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Confectionery Packaging Industry- Overwrap Knife Success

10th October 2017


Frictec was approached by an independent confectionery producer who wanted to reduce down time on their packaging machines.  The product range, and therefore the packaging formats and materials, varied enormously.  It was decided to run trials on two specific packaging formats so that the trials could be clearly monitored.

Wyniki :

The first application was for tube overwrapping boiled sweets. The material used was a polypropylene laminate.  This application was chosen as it was considered the most challenging for knife life.  The results were that the Frictec knives lasted 10 weeks compared with their standard knives that lasted 6 weeks.

The second application was for a paper and foil overwrap slab product.  The average life for the standard knives was 3 months, the Frictec knives lasted a minimum of 8 months.

The knives for both applications were returned to Frictec and were refurbished and re-ground and returned to the customer.  In both cases the knives performed as the original trials.  This is because the TMC45 material is consistent throughout its microstructure therefore re-grind performance of knives is consistent and repeatable.

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